Frequently Asked Questions
What are your fees?
These vary by the age of your child and the number of sessions so it is probably best to discuss this in person.
However we constantly scan the local market and are confident our fees are competive and offer value for money.
What is your Meals policy?
Good nutrition is important for all children. At the Priory Day Nursery we have a dedicated Chef who aims to provide children with a balanced and varied diet that meets their individual dietary needs. Our kitchen has a five star rating from the Food Standards Agency. We offer a daily morning breakfast bar from 7:45 to 8:30am, which consists of a wide variety of fruits and cereals for the children to eat. This promotes their independence of serving themselves and allows them to make their own choices.
Mealtimes are organised so that they are social occasions in which both children and staff participate.
We provide a home cooked meal and dessert at lunch time, whilst at tea time we provide the children with a light snack such as soup or sandwiches accompanied by salad.
All food is fresh and healthy with a high majority of the food provided being organic, meals and snacks are prepared on the premises. We cater for vegetarian and specific dietary requirements if needed. Weekly menus are displayed in each nursery on the notice boards.
Fresh drinking water is available throughout the day for the children.
On entry to the nursery all dietary requirements including allergies are discussed and provided for within the nursery.
Do you follow a curriculum?
At the Priory Day Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum as set out by OFSTED
Each child has a learning journey profile, which documents their progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is completed by the children's Key person and any aims for the children are incorporated into our planning.
A large proportion of the learning at the Priory Day Nursery is done in our 'outside classroom'. All activities are available to all of the children who make the decision to participate as and when they wish, thus developing their independence and allowing them to make their own choices.
What are your Aims?
- We offer a personal service to provide the very best care in a happy secure environment.
- To present experiences to help build each child's confidence and self esteem.
- To help children develop a sense of independence.
- Support active learning which will encourage children to make choices and decisions.
- Create a strong educational and social foundation, which will give each child the best possible transition to school.